Wednesday, May 27, 2015

WRS testing

On Sunday Scott, Derwin and Taylor stopped in to visit the WRS on their way home from the MFMR Convention.  Sorry no pictures, just forgot.  For Scott and Derwin  it was a chance to operate on the layout again and for Taylor it was chance to visit the layout for the first time.  Scott did his usual job at the Mill, while Derwin and Taylor did the North and South bound peddlers.  I did the Mainline freights.  We only able to get two out of three shifts done before they had to head home.

This session was a test session for me.  I had set up my wifi system to allow all four of us to use smart phones as throttles, which is their normal throttles.  This is the second time wifi throttles have been used on the WRS. The last time Scott was over, he setup his wifi system but we also had to use regular throttles because of some issues.
I was also testing a few changes to the Switch Lists, some worked and some need more adjustments.

I am not sure when the WRS will operate again, because the layout room will have to be used as a basement again for next few months.


Tuesday, November 11, 2014

WRS Rolled Again

Sunday after ten months traffic again rolled on the WRS.  The reason for the long period of shut down was because the basement had to be used as a basement again and not a railroad room.  Most of the Railroad was blocked with "stuff".

This Session was more a test session then a regular Ops Session since the Railroad had not operated since January.  As it turned out that was a good thing.  First half of the UP5s would not work.  So I had to run around like a chicken with its head cut off, looking for cables and female to female connectors so the Road Crews could reach a working UP5.  The Crew at the Mill had to swap switchers and then clean the wheels three or four times during the Session.  The  Crews also found a number of errors on the Paperwork.

We were only able to get about two thirds of the Session before time ran out.   Many thanks to the Crew of Dave & Barry R who worked the Mill, Glen who operated the Mainline Trains, Jamie and Pierre who did the Peddlers.  The North Yard was pre-staged for this Session.

Just finished checking the UP5's, they are all working now after reseating the cables in the UP5s.
Adjustments have been made to the Paperworks to correct the issues. And I will have to clean the trackwork and locos before the next session.

That is it for now


Friday, January 17, 2014

Ops Session January 12th

Yes, the WRS rolled again with a full crew this time.  We even had a new operator Michael.
The day started with Barry building trains in the North Yard. 

Pierre and Michael picked up Train 202 in the South Yard and departed for points North.  After clearing White River Board and Fibre, which was being switched by Jamie, they arrived at Greenfield for their pick ups and drop off at the Green Mountain Limestone.  After picking up the three loaded 100 ton limestone covered hoppers and setting out the three empties.  It was off to Dogwood.  At Dogwood, they had to pick up the empty propane tank car at Atlantic Propane and the empty tank car at VGA. It was time to set these cars and the three from Greenfield on the Passing Siding for Train 101 and park the rest of the train on the lead for Atlantic Propane.  Glen arrives at Dogwood with Train 101 to pickup the cars they had set out.  After Glen departs for White River Board & Fibre, Pierre and Michael finish the switching job at Dogwood.  They have to pick up a tank car at Q5 Industries and boxcar at Marc's Printing.  Next they delivered a boxcar to Marc's, a tank car to Q5 and finally a loaded tank car to Atlantic Propane.  Once the train was assembled, they departed for Roseton.
At Roseton they met Dave with Train 201. Once Train 201 departed, they picked up the five cars that Train 101 had left for rest of the run.  In Roseton, they had to pickup and set out a flat car at R&C, and a boxcar at Ma's Noodles.  The next stop was Whiskey Falls, where they had to pick up the empty covered hopper at A&D Plastics and leave a new load one.  Their last pick up was a loaded Reefer at VGA Frozen Foods and leave an empty.  Now it was time to call Barry for clearance to enter the North Yard.  Once in the North Yard the power was cut from the train and they headed to the WRS office for their next orders.

Their next train was Train 203, heading South.  After depart the North Yard, the first stop was Whiskey Falls to exchange two high side gons at E&C Recyling and a boxcar and tank car at A&C.
Next stop was Roseton, there Glen was holding with Train 102.  After taking the siding, Glen departed and it was time to switch a boxcar at Northstar Bakery and a tank car at Corn Producers.  Dave arrived with Train 204.  Once Dave cleared the switch, they departed for Dogwood.  At Dogwood, they had to switch at boxcar and all door car at DOW.  Then it was off to White River Board & Fibre and then South Yard.  The train was parked and the power was cut off.

Their last train of the day, was Train 206.  They exchange three Limestone covered hoppers at Green Mountain Limestone in Greenfield, two bulk head flats at Reload in Dogwood.  They have to set out the five cars they had picked up on the siding and placed their train on the lead for Atlantic Propane.  Glen arrived with Train 103, picked up the cars they had setout and departed for White River Board & Fibre.  They departed Dogwood for Roseton, where Dave was waiting with Train 205.  Once Dave had departed for Dogwood, they switched two airsides at Ma's Noodles and then a boxcar at R&C's.  They picked up the cars that Train 103 had left for them on the siding and departed for Whiskey Falls.  At Whiskey Falls, they exchanged a tank car at Tank Services and covered hopper at A&D's.  Their last pickup and setout was a reefer at VGA, and then to the North Yard.  Once the train was parked and the engine was returned to Engine Terminal, Michael's first day was completed.

Our Crew at work in Dogwood Michael in blue and Pierre in black
Jamie working White River Board & Fibre

Dave working Roseton

Glen picking up cars in Dogwood
Since the last Ops Session a few industries have moved and one has disappeared and another has been added.  Blue Circle Flour in Whiskey Falls has closed and the building was taken over by A&D Plastics formally of Roseton.  Northstar Bakery moved from their old building in Roseton to A&D's old building.  Ma's Noodles has opened in the old Northstar Bakery's building.  Corn Producers and Tank Services exchanged locations, with Corn Producers now in Roseton and Tank Services now in Whiskey Falls.

Every one had a good time as usual.

Until next time

Monday, November 4, 2013

Nov 3rd Ops Session

WRS rolled again.  It was an interesting Ops Session.  The Ops Plan is for five Operators plus myself, if I have only four coming, I can do my usual work and run the Mainline Trains.  But this session with two operators having to withdraw, we were down to four including me.  Normally I would have staged the Trains in the North Yard and operated the four jobs, Mainline, North Peddler, South Peddler and Mill Job.  But with the withdraws happening just before the session, this was not an option.

Barry operated the North Yard as normal. Glen was in charge of the Mill Operations. I headed out with Train 101 and Pierre followed me with Train 201.  After departing Roseton with Train 101, I parked it on the mainline, and headed to the South Yard for Train 202.  This is when the "fun" began.

After arriving at Dogwood with Train 202, I did the first of the moves as Pierre was holding behind Train 101.  Once I picked up the cars to be setout for Train 101 at Dogwood, I parked Train 202 and took over Train 101 to complete the run to the South Yard.  Pierre followed behind with Train 201.
Once we arrived at the South Yard, I returned to Dogwood to finish the run of Train 202 and Pierre departed the South Yard with Train 204.  It did not take long and Train 202 and Train 204 were both at Roseton switching.  This continued until we both arrived at the North Yard.  Pierre left with Train 203 and I went to the South yard to run MEC Transfer to the Mill.  Glen was busy at the Mill all day.  This was the first time Glen had operated the Mill since all the changes had happened.
Pierre finished Train 203 and then headed North with Train 206 and I departed the North Yard with Train 205 plus five cars from Train 103 for Train 206.  Pierre ran the last train of the day, Train 103 to Dogwood and Mill.

It was a busy day, all the cars were delivered and I even did a some switching.  We had fun.

Until next time


Sunday, September 15, 2013

Sept 15th Ops Session

Yes the WRS was rolling again today.  Sorry no pictures, yes I tried to take them but I must have had the camera on the wrong setting.  The pictures were not clear.

During the summer there were a few change to the WRS, some physical with trackage changes and some were on the paper work side.  So today was the first test of these changes.  Barry headed to the North Yard to test out the new trackage and the revised operation of the Yard.  The Hole in the Wall connection was used for the first time in a very long time. With one set out of cars coming thru the connection and two sets going out.  This is something I will continue work with.

The other area with major change in the paper work was the Mill, which Pierre tested.  There is more traffic inside the Mill and also more traffic coming and going.

Glen operated Train 101 departing the North Yard with stops for set outs and pickups at siding of Roseton, Dogwood and The Mill.  Dave departed the South Yard with Train 202.  This Train was revised this summer in dealing with Dogwood.  The pick ups at Atlantic Propane, XYZ and VGA are done first and these cars and the one from Greenfield are set on the siding for Train 101 to pick up and continue South.  After Train 101 departs  Train 202 finish switching Q5 and Marc's Printing.

The last operator was a returning operator Bruce.  Bruce took Train 201 and departed for Points South.

After the first shift Dave had to leave, so Glen took over Train 203 and I took over Train 102.  This is a revised Train.  It transfers cars from the South Yard to Hole in the Wall via the South Yard.  Bruce return north with Train 204.  The interest part of this part of the day, is the meet of Train 203 and Train 204.  Today they both arrived at Roseton at the same time.  Bruce assisted Glen with his work before starting his only once Glen left for Dogwood.  During this shift there is also a new train or should a say an old train that has returned. MEC Transfer which runs from the South Yard to the Mill and returns to the South Yard.

For the last shift of the day, I had Train 103 from the North Yard, Bruce had Train 205 also from the North Yard and Glen had Train 206 from the South Yard.  Again timing had Bruce and Glen meeting at Roseton again.

Everyone said they had a great time, but we did have electrical issues with the locos on the mainline.  I am not sure if all four locos have shorts, the lights were flashing alot, or if I did not get the wheels clean and we had dirt pick ups, or the track was still dirt in spots or the locos need some run time.  Or a combo of all of the above.  Sometime I am going to have to look into.  And we all know it is not going to happen again to the Crew walks down the stairs.  There is also a few items in the new paperwork that needs to be adjusted, so people can understand what I want.

So until the next time


Sunday, July 28, 2013

July 28th Update

I was hoping to get an Ops Session in this month, but things came up.  Did make the trip this month to Windsor to ride on the Trecothic Creek & Windsor Railway with my family.  Did make few trips around the railway with my great nephew Colby.

Now back to the WRS, have done a little track work in the South Yard and at the Mill.  The Yard tracks at the Mill were lengthen by roughly a car length.  In the South Yard, two track were lengthen and two were shorten because of the switch movements.

There will be a few changes to paperwork. Train 102 will now be Yard to Yard transfer running earlier in the Schedule. The old Train 102 has been replace with the MEC Transfer, which will depart the South Yard for the Mill and then return from the Mill to the South Yard.  This Train maybe also doing a little switching in the South Yard. Also there will be a small chance to Train 201 in dealing with Dogwood.

Traffic to and from the Mill has be increased.   I am hoping to add about ten more cars.

That is it for now.  I am not sure if the WRS will be operating in August at the present time.


Monday, June 24, 2013

June 23rd Ops Session

The regular crew again was busy on the WRS.  This session was the completion of the second session planned for the PEI Vistors.  With a couple of regular engineers unable to attend, Barry worked the Mainline instead of the North Yard.  The day started with Pierre heading for the Mill to do the Mill Job.  Glen departed the North Yard with Train 101. Followed by Barry with Train 201.  Dave departed the South Yard with Train 202.  The Afternoon Shift started with me taking over Train 203 for Dave, who had to repart. Glen ran Train 102 and Barry departed with Train 204.  The Evening Shift, had Glen operating Train 103, Barry had Train 205 and I had Train 206. 

Pierre working the Mill Job

Glen switching Roseton

Dave busy in Dogwood

Barry switching at Whiskey Falls
It was interesting with people doing different jobs then they normally do.  WRS Management have a few items to address before the next session.

As usual it was another fun day on the railroad.
