The day start with assignment of the jobs on the WRS. Barry head for his usual job at the North Yard .
Barry busy in the North Yard
With the usual Mainline Train Engineer Wayne unable to work today, Dave stepped up and operated the five Mainline Trains and was also seen operating a RDC to provide passenger service to the people along the WRS.
Dave passing thru the Paper Mill with one of his Mainline Trains as Gary (with clipboard) looks on.
Pierre and returning engineer Gary was busy all day dealing with the switching duties at the Paper Mill.
Gary and Pierre working the Mill Switcher.
Glen was the Engineer on the Dogwood Switcher for the day. And First time Engineer Ric, visiting from the Valley, was working the Roseton Switcher.
Ric in foreground and Glen busy in the background.
Because Ric would only stay for an hour, the second half of the Roseton Job was done by Dave and Barry. This is the first time Roseton has been switched in three or four sessions, much to the joy of local industries. The people in Bartown and Riverside are hoping that some day one of the trains that thunder by, will stop and switch their industries.
The session was great but had it usual little issues. The tracks need to cleaned more, think most of it was from the "dirt" on the rolling stock .... need to run trains more often. The locos need so maintance, since they have been setting around ... again need to run more trains. This session a few of the Crew changed their jobs, which has pointed out a few issues with the paper work that needs to updated or adjusted. Management has long list of items to address before the next session, maybe next month.
The main thing we all had a great time. It was nice to see Gary return and for Ric to finally be able to operate on the WRS.
Until next time