Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Convention Weekend

Last weekend I travelled to Summerside, PEI for our annual Convention. It was a great time. Spend some time catching up with old friends and checking out what they have done. Sorry no pictures, forgot the camera at the hotel room.
As part of the Convention, I presented a clinic on different Car Forwarding Systems. This was one of many clinics that were presented for the Delegates.

The WRS Shops have been busy the last few weeks building a transfer caboose.

Shop Foreman has already made a list if items that needs to be addressed on the next one.

A few new cars were purchased on the weekend, along with a few buildings. These will in time find their way onto the WRS.




Scott Jay said...

Showing off his winning entry!

Wayne Woodland said...

Saw the model at the conventin Doug - very well done. Glad your work was recognized. Talk soon.


Doug Whitman said...


I have a few more things I would like have done to it, just ran out of time.
Got to start earlier for next year in Saint John.
