Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Things are going to be changing on the WRS. Before the end of the month, the WRS will become a given shorter short line. The new WRS will include only the areas of the Yard, Riverside, Bartown and Roseton.




Scott Jay said...

Ummm.... Why?

Doug Whitman said...


There are a few reasons why.
It all started a few months ago when we had a major people cornfield meet. The aisle between The Paper Mill and Riverside is only three feet wide and about fourteen feet long. There were four people in this area, one crew switching the Mill and the other crew switching Riverside. Then a member of the Crew switching Roseton/Dogwood had to make his move to get to the other side of Dogwood to perform his duties. Therefore a major Cornfield meet at the Mill.

Second, the Yard has not been used for anything but a staging area. This is due to shortage of crew members. Presently I need seven members to fill crewing requirements before getting someone to do the Yard requirements.

Third, after attending Steve Mc's clinic at the Convention, I want to add a South connection to the layout. This will allow two way traffic on the WRS.

Now to answer your question. The line from the Yard to Roseton will be kept as is for now. After that point, things will be reviewed.


Scott Jay said...

So a redesign is in the works. Cool!

Ric Hamilton said...

Isn't modular railroading great

Wayne Woodland said...

Should be intresting Doug. Will definitely chnage things. Talk soon.


Doug Whitman said...

Yes being modular will allow me to make the changes, but there will likely be more perament as the last sections were.

It is going to be different, hopefully better.
