Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Operating session Part 2

The night started with the arrival of Bruce, Ross and Glen. Bruce chose to try on the Mill Job. After picking up his train orders he started on his way. Ross chose the Mill Run and Glen pick was the Roseton Local. I am still doing the Yard Switcher. After Glen arrived at Roseton, I left the Yard Switcher to run the Junction/Blue Ridge Turn which departs from Roseton with the other half of Glen's Roseton Local. I parked the Junction/Blue Ridge Turn at Junction. Glen contunied with the local switching job at Roseton and Ross set out cars in Dogwood on this way to the Mill. After arriving at the Mill, Ross parted his locos at the end of Track 1 and drove the Mini to Dogwood to switch the cars he had just set out. Bruce started delivering the cars from the Mill Run. By now Pierre had arrived and started to switch the Juntion/Blue Ridge Turn. David and Don have now arrived and departed with the Bartown Turn. The loco they were assigned had problems and had to be replaced. Ross returned to the Mill once completing the work in Dogwood. Pierre complete the Junction/Blue Ridge Turn and returned to Roseton to have his cars added to Glen's train. In the mean time I was busy in the Yard moving and sorting the cars from the Interchange Tracks to the Departure Tracks for the next day. Once the Interchange Tracks were cleared, the cars on the Arrivial Tracks were sorted and placed on the Interchange Tracks.

Glen and Ross where holding their trains at Roseton waiting clearance to return to the Yard. But becuase of the late departure of the Bartown Turn and the loco issue, it was running late and blocking the main in Bartown. After they cleared the main, Glen and Ross returned to the Yard with their trains. After dropping their cars in the Arrivial Tracks, the engines were returned to the Engine Terminal. Don and David finished the Bartown Turn and returned to the Yard.

That was another operating session in the books. We all had fun.




Scott Jay said...

Sounds like everyone was busy, and very well behaved. Odd.


Doug Whitman said...

I was too busy running the Yard to see if they were being well behaved.
