Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Design Update

Just before Christmas, I picked up the above book to help answer a few issues I was dealing with on going to a multi deck layout design.

Ok, after reading the book, most of the questions I had were answered, but a dozen new ones, I have to find the answers for. So back to the drawing board.

Some changes have been made in the design. Issues like: lighting the lower level. the 64 feet of track required to go from the lower level to the upper level, how much should be seen and how much can be seen. How wide should the upper valance be. And a few more that will come up as I make changes. Moving the Paper Mill to the upper level will likely cause a platform to be built for the Mill operator.




Scott Jay said...

Can I borrow that book someday?

Anonymous said...

Nothing is never as simple as it appears. Always good to get reference material and make a plan prior to starting

Doug Whitman said...

No, it is not Glen.

Scott it can be arranged.


Wayne Woodland said...

Hey Doug - yes as the old saying goes "measure twice -cut once" i.e in this case planning I am sure will go a long way to building a successful multi deck layout...
