Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Feb 15 Operating Session

Freight was moving again on the WRS, with one returning Engineer Jeff and one new engineer Barry, along with regulars Dave,Barry and Pierre providing the Crew for this day.

Jeff headed for Junction / Blue Ridge to do the Ridge Run. Pierre headed for the Mill to do the Mill Job and Barry departed the Yard with the Mill Run. Dave with new engineer Barry, departed the Yard with the Dog Run. I did the Bar Run.

Dave and new engineer Barry studying their work at Roseton

Returning Engineer Jeff busy at Mama's Pasta
Pierre and Barry busy at the Paper Mill

Friday, February 13, 2009

Design Update

I have been working on the new design. After moving the paper mill to the upper level and designing a platform for the operator, I was in the basement and noticed the beam supporting the floor. The beam would have been located where the operator stands to operate half of the Mill. After measuring the clearance under the beam, it was time to go back to the computer or find operators under five foot six.

So the paper mill is now back on the lower level.

In the re-design, I also increased the mainline radius from 30" to 33". This was to get the ratio of radius to length of longest car (9") over 3.5.

Started to working on the car movements on the layout to see what will be required. Presently looking at seven jobs. Two Yard jobs, South Yard and Paper Mill; four locals, Mill, Oxbow, Hollow and Glenford; and the last job is the North and South Exchanges.



Sunday, February 1, 2009

Feb 1 Operating Session

WRS had it first regular operating session of the new year. Barry and Glen chose or was it chosen to do the Mill Jobs. Barry headed for the Mill and Glen fired up the pair of Conrail C424 for this run to the Mill. After departing the Yard with sixteen cars and a caboose in tow, Glen made is way to Junction to drop off cars for the Ridge Run. Due to crew shortage, Glen had to also run the Ridge Run Switcher. After removing the cars for the Ridge Run and re-installing the caboose, Glen departed for the Mill. Mean while at the Mill, Barry was busy switching the Shipping and Receiving Warehouses. After Glen arrived with the Mill Run, Barry and Glen finished the switching the Mill and putting the return train for Glen.

While Glen and Barry where busy in the Mill, Wayne and I departed the Yard with a GP7 and ten cars in tow. First stop was in Whiskey Falls to switch W&S Fish Products and then on to Roseton. After switching the trailing industries, the cars for Roseton where left on the siding and Wayne headed the GP7 for Dogwood. Since it has been a while since we had operated, specially me, there were a few "interesting" movements in Dogwood getting cars delivered and picked up. After this was completed, it was back to Roseton to finish switching. Somehow a few cars were put on another train and when we when to deliver the switch list these cars were missing. The Brakeman, aka me, should have checked the list before departing the Yard. After the trains was put back together, Wayne headed the GP7 for home.

Since we finished up before the Crew at the Mill did, Wayne and I headed to Junction and did the Ridge Run.

After Barry and Glen returned to the Yard, we changed Jobs. Wayne and I headed for the Mill and Glen and Barry did the Dog Run. Glen and Barry found the cars that were missing from Wayne's and my train.

Cars were delivered, the rust was knocked of the rails and we had fun.

Sorry no pictures, I have to "work" for a change :-)

The Bar Run was done the night before by Allan and myself.

