Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Feb 15 Operating Session

Freight was moving again on the WRS, with one returning Engineer Jeff and one new engineer Barry, along with regulars Dave,Barry and Pierre providing the Crew for this day.

Jeff headed for Junction / Blue Ridge to do the Ridge Run. Pierre headed for the Mill to do the Mill Job and Barry departed the Yard with the Mill Run. Dave with new engineer Barry, departed the Yard with the Dog Run. I did the Bar Run.

Dave and new engineer Barry studying their work at Roseton

Returning Engineer Jeff busy at Mama's Pasta
Pierre and Barry busy at the Paper Mill


Scott Jay said...

Cool! A new guy. I hope you weren't too hard on him.

I see a few perplexed faces in the crowd.


Doug Whitman said...

They were just "studying" their paper work.

A few were a little "rusty" since they have no operated on the WRS since December. Since we rotate jobs, they may not be in a town for a few months at a time.


Wayne Woodland said...

Looks like another successful session Doug - too bad I missed this one, but the foreman (aka wife)- had me installing a new laundry tub that day (turned out to be +++ more work than I thought is was going to be)...
