Saturday, August 15, 2009

All Quiet

I have not been working on the WRS this month. Or at least on the main layout. The end of August is Hillfest, a gathering of the UMG for a major operating session on the UMG layout. Last count, there are one hundred spots to place cars at industries, plus three yards.

I will be taking four modules and maybe a fifth to the show. Two of them needs only minor repairs, but two of them need to have the tracks reworked. Then there is rolling stock and buildings to check and pack.

Also I am helping with setting up the operations on the layout. We are going to try a system based on "Industry" Cards. Each spot at each Industry has its own Card, which tells what type of car is required at that spot. It should be interesting.

That is all for now, hopefully we will get back to operating on the WRS in September.



Sunday, August 2, 2009

The new WRS - Update

With the sunshine, I have not had much time to get any work done on the layout itself, but did spend a little time working on the new layout plan. After remeasuring the basement, I gained a few important inches.
The industries in Blue Ridge have not been added. At present I have lost nine industries from the old layout and I have to look at which ones of the nine, I want to add to the Blue Ridge area.
The Oxbow Branch will be source for wood chips for the Paper Mill and lumber loads for the world.
Northbrook and Southvale will be staging yards for the layout. The plan is that each yard will have three staged trains of 12-13 cars.
Now with the rough layout design done, it is time to start working on the operations side of things.
Until the next update.