Monday, December 7, 2009

Fall River & Eastern

Last Sunday Dave had the Operating Group over to the Fall River & Eastern for tour of the layout and operating session. This session was to test the newly installed DCC System and to do a little switching and running of trains. Formal operating sessions are still a few months away. Dave has to name the Towns and Industries first.
Below are a few pictures that Dave supplied for this report.
Yes there was a "Corn Field Meet". Luckily both trains were following the slow orders. See picture at the bottom. One of the issues to be addressed is which track is the East Bound and which is the West Bound.

Coal Drag(left) Coal Drag and Passenger Train Meet (right)

Jeff running the Passenger Train (left) Pierre overlooking the Yard and Engine Terminal (right)

Coal Drag (left) The Corn Field Meeting (right)
This is a very interest railroad to operate on.


Anonymous said...
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Wayne Woodland said...

Yes it was a good day Doug. Dave sure has a great layout. Should be fun to operate on...Too bad no pictures of "the meet". Scott could have conducted his analysis!!! Talk soon.


Doug Whitman said...

There is a picture at the bottom of the meet, but Dave made sure there was nothing but trains in the picture :-)
