This is a view from the upper level of the whole layout. We added another ten feet to the total length from last year's show, with the addition of Dave T's module and WRS farm scene. This year we had to work around two airplane with the museum adding a T-33 (on the right) to their display. The layout was roughly thirty feet end to end.
This is a view of of three of the WRS modules. Wedge, farm scene and Matt's Corner.
This is a view of the layout from Rock Cut, of the main section of the layout. The staging yard was to the right of this shot.
It has been a long week, with the modules being loaded last Monday. On Tuesday morning, the crew met at the Museum to set up the modules. Wednesday I headed back to the Museum to setup the farm scene module, since I could not get into my car on Monday. Also setup the Chief and tested every thing for Thursday. Thursday morning it was back to the Museum for shooting a spot with a local morning TV program to promote the show. Friday, watched the program to see how the spot turned out. It is strange to see and hear oneself on TV. Saturday and Sunday were the Show itself, were we had many visitors to the layout. Some of the younger visitors maded a few trips back. After the Show closed on Sunday, it was time to stuff the car with all the modules. With the help of the Crew, everything found its way inside the car somehow. Today, it was time to unstuff the car and take everything down to the basement.
Now with the Show behind me, it is time to start working on a few small projects on the WRS.
Yes the show was a success Doug. Even at a mixed hobby show, model railroading always draws an intrest. Especially nice to see the smiles on the younger kids faces as they watch the trains. Talk soon.
Specially when you were operating your U18B with sound.
Between us and the ride on train, there was not much action for the younger visitors. The Lego setup was mostly all static this year for some reason.
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