Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Update Sept 13th

Yes it has been a long time since my last posting, but there has not been anything to report on the WRS side.

Did rebuild part of the North Yard to deal with the issues from the last operating session.  This did help some of the issues, but there is still a few more to address.  Having trouble pushing two Genesis box cars thru the switches, added more weight to the cars, which help but there is still issues. One time it works and the next time it does not, need to test more cars in the yard.

I have not been spending time on the layout this summer, in the summer it is On30 construction time, which has been taking most of my model railroading time.  But this summer I did get a chance to ride the trains in Windsor on Trecothic Creek Railway. It was a birthday party for one of the WRS engineers.

With a number of things to complete on the On30 side before the Truro Show in October, will likely not getting back to the WRS until after the Truro Show.



1 comment:

Wayne Woodland said...

Yes - wait until I get back from the Fine Scale Expo before you have the next OP session - Dont want to miss it!!!