Monday, May 7, 2012

MFMR Convention

The Convention will be held June 1st, 2nd and 3rd in Halifax, almost my backyard.  For more info see

 My orginal plan was to host an Ops Session on the WRS on Friday night for people who are from out of town, but a few things have came up.  The control system used on the WRS is also used on the NBR&N On30 layout.  My plan was to use a Zephyr to set up the layout on Friday Night and then install my Chief system on Saturday morning but with the issues at Shearwater, I had to dig my Booster out of hiding to provide more power to operate all those sound units.  So I am going to need more time then just an hour on Saturday morning to set up for the first time on NBR&N Layout, you know what happens when you pushes one's luck. 

The WRS will be open on Sunday for visitors, who wish to stop in and see the Railroad.  I will have a few trains staged so you can do a little switching on the layout.  I will be running the trains as Locals instead of Main Line trains with Switchers doing the local work.  You will have the Choice of following jobs to pick from:  Paper Mill, Dogwood/Greenfield, Roseton/Whiskey Falls and Riverside/Bartown.

For anyone does not know where WRS is located, see me at the Convention and I will give you directions.

At present the WRS will not appear on the Convention Layout Tour List.

Hope to see you all at the Convention.


1 comment:

Steve Mc said...

I am looking forward to stopping by during the convention!
