Sunday, February 24, 2013

Ops Session - Feb 24

The WRS had an Ops Session today.  Sorry no pictures, because of a Crew shortage, I was required to operate the 100 series trains and was not able to catch the Crew in action.

This was the second Ops Session with the revised Operating System.  Today's session had a few adjustments to the Schedule from the first session, namely the three way meet in Roseton is gone .  These adjustments improved the session, but there is an adjustment or two maybe still be needed.

Pierre operated the Switcher at the White River Board & Fibre Co.  Barry W was back operating the North Yard.  Dave with new brakeman Eric did one half of the Peddler Freights (202, 203 & 206) and Glen did the other half (201, 204 & 205).  As I said before I got to run the Mainline Trains (101, 102 & 103).

The Crew enjoyed the running of the new longer trains, and also that they are now travelling the complete length of the WRS.

until next time



Wayne Woodland said...

What happened to the usual mainline operator - what a slacker!!Hope all went well.

Doug Whitman said...


I am not sure what happened to him ... something about have to help someone move.

Yes things when well, still need to address a couple small items.

Hope you will be able to return to your normal job next time.


Glen said...

It was an enjoyable session. Running the length of the layout with the switching assignments at the towns was more challenging and you get to know the entire layout instead of just one town

Doug Whitman said...


Glad you enjoyed the new Operating System.
