Sunday, May 25, 2008

Update May 25

This is just a little update.

This is a picture (thanks Ric) of Green Mountain Limestone Bulk Plant. The picture is from the MFMR's model contest room. Ross Young who build and weathered the building, after a little arm twisting, entered it into the contest and placed 3rd in Reg Stuctures, with it. Ross's other entry won Best in Show.

The WRS has not been busy lately because of the time I have had to spend get ready for the MFMR Convention, I was looking after Registration and gate. I also did a power point presention on adding Operations to your layout, which was interesting to get ready. On top of all of this, I was sick for two weeks.

With this now behind me and once I get some of my house work gone, I will be able to start spending more time on the WRS once again.



Saturday, May 3, 2008

May 2 Operating Report

The WRS had a rare Friday night operating session.

Scott busy in deep thought, as he reviews the instructions for the Mill Job.

Glen, Bruce and visiting operator Curtis at Roseton desiding how to plan the meeting with their three trains.

The Mill Run holding at Roseton for the Dog Run.
It was an interesting night on the WRS, with three visiting operators, Scott and Curtis for PEI and Jeff from Halifax and Regulars Bruce, Glen and Ross. Since the crews have not been on the WRS for a while, things were a little rusty. I have to work on the Train Orders. Something was said about using 16 point bold for some of the instructions. The crews had to do a little more work to complete their jobs, but in the end, all the work got done and I believe everyone enjoyed themselves.