Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Next Operating Session

The WRS will be operating again on March 24th.

As usual I have a list of things to get done before the next operating session. I have noticed a few spots where we are having power pick up issues. I will have to install a few more feeders.

Also I am going to combine the Roseton Local and the Junction / Blue Ridge Turn into Ridge Run.




Scott Jay said...

Have the power problems been at turnouts? IF so, do you use Atlas or all Peco?

I've been having some trouble lately with my older Atlas turnouts. I have to solder a flexible feeder across the rivet to get power from the lead rail to the point rail.


Doug Whitman said...


The issue is that I did not put a feed on ten foot section between Riverside and Bartown. Just need to address this with another feed drop.

I use all Peco on my layout at present.

I have a couple of switches to deal with later that I installed insulated rail joiners on them.
