Monday, January 21, 2008

The Mill

The modules are almost ready to start install the tracks for the White River Paper Company. A sheet of cork will cover the front module, once a small addition has been added to fill in the triangle on the left.

I had to rebuild the two main modules (little brown tops). When they were build for the old UMG Yard, I did not install cross bracing to keep the weight down. This allowed the 1/2 inch plywood to sag big time. I had to install two braces per module to correct this problem.

I am hoping to have the Mill ready for the next operating session.




Scott Jay said...

Wow! It looks a lot different from when I was there! Can't wait to operate on it in May!

Doug Whitman said...


Hope to have things ironed out by May when you visit.

Now that I am starting to do the paper work for next Monday, I am seeing the amount of changes the new arrangement requires.

