Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I was reminded today, that I have not posted in some time.

I have not been working on the WRS of late or have had an operating session.

Have picked a few new pieces of rolling stock at the Truro show and from a couple of people thinning their fleets to fill a few holes I had. Yes, even with the amount of rolling stock I have, there where some how holes. The Paint Shop has a few cars to renumber and/or repair before the next session.

I have been doing projects in the basement of late, which has been causing issues with the layout. With the moving of the Paper Mill and the addition of the new South Yard, the only space I have to work on larger projects is now where the Paper Mill was located. This lead to the layout being used as an area to store objects during these projects.

During the last week, I have been working on trying to "find" the layout again. On a high note, most of the layout has been found :-)

One of the big issues at the last operating sessions was the South Yard. I have started to address some these issues. The paper work is being adjusted and improved. One or two of the trains will be pre staged.

So I fired up the system to stage the trains, well I now have a few more things on my "to do" list.
I am hoping that a cleaning of the track and loco wheels will address most of the issues, if not there will have to be track work done :-(

I am hoping to be able to spend more time on the layout as the weather gets colder and have another operating session soon.




Scott Jay said...

I still haven't put stuff away after the Truro show! I've got to get busy since we're operating here this Sunday. What a procrastinator!

Doug Whitman said...


Good luck with the operating session on the weekend.

Now I have to find everything again since the Dartmouth Show is coming.


Wayne Woodland said...

Yeaahh Doug - finally a post. enjoyed our chat today. Good luck at the show next weekend and hopefully the WRS will be ready to move freight after i get back from my trip.

Allan said...

That's OK Doug, I havn't posted much lately either. Too many "other" Things to do before the pretty White Stuff starts to fall!!! :-)